Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Greetings to all readers. Today, we shall gather to celebrate the loss of my blogging virginity. May the champagnes and party poopers get this post rolling. Here it goes... My name is Jane. I'll be turning 19 this year (2007). Definitely the baby of the group but hey, it doesn't mean i whine and cry like one. Now that you know my name is "plain" Jane, i shall keep this higgledy-piggledy celebration short and sweet.

I never saw this day for myself. No way without COM 125 class would i want to find the time to create a blog account. Mainly because i am lazy to even have a friendster account, needless to say a blog account. I'm not the best writer but at least i'll give it an attempt. I'm better with my imagination. Trust me, my imaginations are really kooky, such as my world of "butterflies and rainbows". I'm not shy about my imagination. I just like my imagination to run as freely as it can. Apart from my imagination, i love to talk. However, more towards the nonsensical side because it appeals more to me than my seriousness. Not that being serious is wrong.

Enough said for my first entry. Till then, shall you readers anticipate more out-of-the-norm entries. Toodles.


Kevin said...

"Loss of blogging virginity"... ouch. Let's make this venture worth your while then. Looking forward to more colorful verbal diarrhea. :)

Jane Killick said...

well, hahha. A technology idiot is what i am. I'll try my best to shower this blog with colours each entry then.

B e n j a m i n said...

hahah... yeah apparently you also haven finished the assignment...better hurry 2hours more..need help u know my 8 digits

Jane Killick said...

hahah. Thanks Ben Yap.